
GMA Technical Support Follow Up

This is a brief survey regarding your recent experience with Technical Support. Your
feedback is very important to us and we value your opinions and make improvements
to our service based on your suggestions. Please take a few moments to answer the
following questions regarding your experience.

1. Which of the following best describes you?

2. What type of Internet service do you use?

3. What was your method of contacting technical support?

4. What was the primary reason(s) for your most recent call to GMA Technical Support? Choose all that apply.

5. Please describe the problem(s) that you were experiencing.

6. Was your call answered in a reasonable amount of time?

7. How would you rate the Technical Support representative that handled your request on each of the following:
Excellent Good Average Poor
Overall Experience
Product Knowledge
Willingness to Help

8. Overall, how satisfied were you with your interaction with our Technical Support representative?

9. Were all of your questions answered?

10. Are you still experiencing any problems with your service?

11. Would you like a Green Mountain Access Technical Support representative to follow up with you to help you solve your problem?

12. Please tell us what we can do to improve the service and support that we provide to you?

13. Any additional thoughts or comments?

Contact Information

If for any reason you are unhappy with our service or still experiencing problems we would like to contact you so we can correct it. Please be assured that this information will not be used for any other purpose. Thank you very much for completing the survey and for being a customer.